
Dokumentin otsikko

"An operation"

Hi! My name is Seija Maria. I was born1958 in Tampere, Finland. My fathers name was Vaeinoe and my mothers name is Eila. In 1959, when I was almost one year old, my parents decided to immigrate Australia. The young couple sold all their property and packed their bags and went on board with me to Australia. Since 4-5 years old I started to remember something about Australia. I remember that I always was sneezing and coughing. My mother took me to a romancatholic hospital to get my adenoids operated. Because I was a vigorous girl, I said in the bathroom to a nun, who was also a nurse, that she must wash my hair! The nun answered that it cannot be washed, because the surgery soon starts. I answered, that then I will wash my hair myself! I started to wash my hair, but soon I stopped, because the nun was going to spank me. There was really a rush to the operation. The catholic nun represented order, authority and love. The removal of the problem was a much more valuable thing than my superficial appearance.


I was taken to the anaesthetic room and there were needed five persons to hold me, such a thin and small girl, because I screamed a lot and made resistance. They could not get anyway the ethermask on my face. At last one nurse fooled me and asked if I can see that other person on the other table, how quiet he was. I turned to look and then they put the mask on my face and the world whirrled in my eyes! In the morning I woke in the hospital bed and was amazed: I was alive!


Since I was five years old I believed in God. When I watched the shining sea in front of Sydney, beautiful flowers, birds and trees, I could not help trusting in God. This childish faith become stronger when I was 14 years old. I realized, that I needed a Saviour, Jesus Christ, to remove and cleanse my sinful heart. When I made that decision, it seemed, that the world became more beautiful and the birds sang even better! My way in this faith has sometimes had uphills and downhills. But God has protected me so well, that I have never dropped so far away from Him that I would have lost my faith. The Lord has always reached His helping hand, when my distress was greatest. And I have waked after the "anesthesia of distress" and wondered: "I am alive!"


Please give your life in the hands of God. Don't require from yourself and others more, than they can give and want to give you. Give, if you can, without requiring return service, like Mother Theresa did. The Bible promises that when you give, you will receive.


in Finnish